As every last Thursday of the month, we invite you to the Anarchist Dinners „Wedding“, in our Infoladen in Scherer 8. We open this space to meet among comrades, eat delicious food and have nice chats. We will also try to have a discussion or a presentation at each dinner that will allow us to discuss and strain ideas.
In this evening, there will be a comrade speaking about international prisoner support, what we can learn from struggles behind bars and how to incorporate struggles on the inside to the outside and the otherway around. Also we will be selling some beatiful calendars 2025 in support to political prisoners at 10eu.
🍽️ Food: Vegan handmade Lasagna
and for dessert a delicious Panacota.
🔥Long live Anarchy!🔥
Infoladen Scherer 8
Anarchist Dinners Wedding