🔥Culture of Resistance🔥
Chile „29M – Day of the Young Fighter“
📍Infoladen Scherer 8, Wedding
📆 Sunday 30th March
🍽️ Food 1PM
💬 Info-event 2PM (in English with german translation possible)
„Bury our comrades, pick up their flag and keep fighting“ (Luisa Toledo 1939-2021)
For 39 years, the ‘Day of the Young Fighter’ has been commemorated in Chile on March 29th, with riots, vigils and protests in the memory to the political dissidents killed by the Pinochet dictatorship, and in remembrance of the role played by rebellious youth in changing this system of death. The date began in 1985 when two brothers, Rafael and Eduardo Vergara Toledo, aged 18 and 20, both university students and militants of the MIR (Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria), were shot dead by a police patrol in the Estación Central district of Santiago. That same night Paulina Aguirre (19) was also killed by the CNI secret police in the Lo Barnechea district.
One of the reasons why people are drawn to this anniversary is the ongoing commitment of the parents, Luisa Toledo and Manuel Vergara, who maintain the memory of their sons as militants who participated in the anti-Pinochet uprisings of the 1980s, as well the others who also died in combat. It was particularly Luisa over the years who connected her struggle for the memory of her sons with the anarchist and anti-authoritarian youth.